Browse Month: December 2020

Tax Attorney – Providing Professional Tax Advice

magnifier with tax on dollar

In Florida there are many different types of professions where the services of a tax lawyer or accountant can be needed, such as in the area of business, where an accountant or tax adviser can assist a company with the tax requirements of setting up a company. In addition, in certain industries consultants or accountants may be needed to provide professional advice about tax matters. Another instance where a consultant or lawyer can be of assistance to a person seeking professional tax advice is if the individual has become delinquent in paying tax or has become subject to a tax notice. If a tax evasion or levy has been issued against an individual that has engaged in some type of tax evasion or levy, a tax lawyer may be able to advise his or her client how to remedy the situation.


In the area of tax law there are two main areas of concentration. There are criminal tax law and civil tax law. Criminal tax law deals with criminal tax crimes, such as tax evasion or tax fraud. Civil tax law, on the other hand, deals with issues that arise from regular and reasonable tax practices. Tax evasion and tax levy cases are considered to be civil tax law cases. While a tax lawyer may not be able to assist with criminal tax law, he or she will most likely be able to provide legal advice to a person who has become entangled in such a case.


The work of a tax lawyer or accountant is generally related to the filing of tax returns and the preparation of accounting documents. In some instances a tax attorney or an accountant may have to go before the tax office to represent a client before this administrative authority. In some instances the attorney will be working solely for the client and will represent him or her exclusively; in other instances he or she may be an assistant to the tax attorney. Regardless of whether the attorney works solely for the client or works in an advisory capacity, the tax attorney’s work process begins at the point in which the client begins to prepare his or her annual tax returns.


The first step that a tax attorney’s work typically takes is that the client prepares his or her income tax returns. It is at this point that a thorough examination of the tax return needs to take place. This examination often begins with the client receiving a full financial statement. From this statement a tax attorney can draw conclusions and recommendations about possible tax mitigation options. If these recommendations are determined to be feasible and advantageous, then the tax attorney will draft the appropriate documents needed to pursue these options. If you need help and further information about tax matters, click here.


Once a complete and thorough examination of the client’s tax returns has been conducted, the tax attorney will work with the Internal Revenue Service to settle the taxpayers’ claims. At this point in the tax attorney’s work process, the attorney will begin negotiating with the IRS on behalf of his or her client. In many instances, the tax attorney will be working without the help of a legal assistant. In this situation, the two tax attorneys work together to negotiate payment amounts with the IRS in an attempt to achieve a settlement that is both affordable to the client and adequate to cover their client’s tax debt. When the settlement is reached, the tax attorney will file all required paperwork with the appropriate government agencies in an effort to finalize the taxpayer’s tax debt.


It is important for individuals who seek representation from a tax attorney to be absolutely certain that they fully understand what it is they will be dealing with during this critical stage in the tax year. The tax year is a highly busy time at tax preparation centers as individuals struggle to meet the April deadline for filing. Tax attorneys who are hired right away in preparation of the taxes due can provide much needed assistance as the tax year progresses and it is essential to ensure that all tax-related paperwork is completely completed and submitted by the appropriate date. It is also vital to ensure that any and all tax attorney’s work is done in a timely fashion. Any and all tax attorney’s work can be accomplished on a part time basis if an individual is self-employed or if the individual must work for a business.